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Beyond. evolution

In an era where artivisual [artificial] intelligence is slowly becoming our new number one scientific method, even biologists start to code. And have a look at what they do:

For many scientists, evolution is one of the biggest nuts to crack. And give them wrong, to study life that originated out of the few constant factors of sunlight, heat and ligthning, influencing water, methane and ammonia. You must be a crazy to believe the majestic mechanisms underlying the production of proteins from DNA. To copy past is one, but to base life on it that has survived for more that 4,5 billion years, can survive up to thousands meter deep, and can store more data on 1 gram human DNA than there was data accessible on the entire world wide web in 2012. You can imagine that the impact of one typo might be even less than negative, but a million? no, a trillion? per year? no, per day? in ecerybody? no no again, in you. Wejjjooo

So, to grasp the scope of this random process, how about an app that enables you to amaze over all these astonishing features of your DNA. I created an app (or more precicely,I am creating) that will show you this! Check the App Store and Google Play Store soon!