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Beyond. everything

What is there that can deserve to go beyond everything? Give it a while to think about. Maybe close your eyes. And think about everything. A lot of philosophers went before you and tried just the same. Have you ever been so confinced by someone that everything falls into place? Or can everything not be put into words? Let me give it a try. But remember to stay sceptic. All the way. Because everything is not to be explained easily. 

To start, we have to go back. Or online of course. The Cambridge Dictionary defines everything as 'all things'. But everything is often affiliated with the devine, or some higher order. Which I always find kind of dissapointing. But the approach is interesting though. Does everything resides in matter? Or does it not? My eyebrows showed the expression of suspicion while reading that sentence. Did Yours? 

Alright, my idea of everything. And don't get me wrong, this is difficult haha. In my opinion, Descartes was close to a complete notion of everything with his formulation of dualism. However, his dualism resides in different states between the body and the mind. My notion of dualism resides in the accordance between consciousness and subconsciousness. Let me try to elaborate on that. 

To capture everything, there has to be some connection between the outer world and the internal interpretation of it. Some call it your soul, some call call it your intuition, or what else, in my opinion that charater that resides in you is your subconsciousness. And when your subconsciousness touches the framework of the world around you, it acts along with it. But when you colse your eyes and slowely create some distance from the sensory stimuli, your subconsciousness resides in other frameworks. be continued..